Articles published in October 2016

Being Called

Among men devoted to the Lord and involved in a personal ministry in CBMC, the topic of conversation frequently gets around to the challenge of 2 Corinthians 5:20 - that of being an effective marketplace ambassador for Jesus Christ. We all agree that we could improve our effectiveness, and CBMC's resources are designed to help us do just that. Being Christ's ambassador where we work and live is a high calling, as this week's devotional explains... Ernie P.S. - Save the date of Tuesday, November 15 for the next CBMC Marketplace Ambassador Network breakfast. The session topic is Margin: Getting the Time You Need in a Stressed-Out World.
Tags:  Calling, Serving, Choices

I Trust God, But I Am Wiped Out

The constant pressure of the modern workplace can sometimes bring us to the limits of our energy and strength. However, few of us ever reach the depths of despair that Job of the Old Testament endured. He needed help, and found strength in God. Rick Warren reminds us all of God's strength and care for us in this week's devotional. Ernie
Tags:  Faith, Trust, Despair

You Want Me To Do What?

CBMC's purpose and mission can be described as, "Reaching a man right where he is and helping him to become the man God designed him to be." The beginning of the process is for a man to discover God's design for the man. My observation is that many men have some wrong ideas of the design and goals God has for us. This week's devotional from Os Hillman helps to clarify what God's design and desire genuinely is. Ernie
Tags:  Work, Obedience, Ministry, Mission

Fulfilling Ministry At Work

By Ed Silvoso For the Christian, true fulfillment in life can be summarized by the popular bumper sticker slogan, "Bloom where you're planted." Peter said it this way: "As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another" (1 Pet. 4:10). Your greatest fulfillment in life will come when you discover your unique gifts and abilities and use them to edify others and glorify the Lord.
Tags:  Ministry, Ministry at work, Work
