Articles published in December 2017

Ever wondered, "What is God Up To?"

I've observed that many Christians seem confused about what God might be doing in their life. Often, they have some plans of their own in mind, and are wondering if God is going to help them out to accomplish their goals. Unfortunately, they are asking the wrong question. John Eldredge explains...
Tags:  transformation, restoration, purpose

Open Your Eyes

I hope you have a lot of nice gifts under your tree this Christmas! I realize that not all of us will, and now is the time for us to make moves to help provide for those who are less fortunate than we are. At the same time, we can cultivate a spirit of thankfulness for all the blessings we enjoy day by day as gifts from the Lord. Randy Alcorn shares this week.


Tags:  Christmas, gifts, the greatest gift, gratitude

Manure and the Manger

This week's devotional note is authored by my friend, Randy Kilgore. From December 1 to  Christmas Day Randy is posting a brief daily Advent reflection, aimed at making the Christmas Scriptures come alive anew. With three-dimensional characters and reminders of the real world people who welcomed Jesus, we discover new details about those from whom Jesus began to learn about us in order to be our Advocate as well as our Savior.  
Tags:  Christmas, Humility, understanding