Could it be that boredom at work is self-inflicted? This week my friend Drew Crandall looks at the bigger pircture of work for Christians and comes to some interesting and helpful conclusions. 
P.S.- You may also want to check out our website at for more helpful perspectives of your job at work, 
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Most Boredom is Self-Inflicted 
  By Drew Crandall
Being in sales, marketing, and customer service for 28 years, I've been exposed to plenty of motivational speakers and programs.
My wife tells me that I'm an oddball, but frankly I've never needed other people or programs to motivate me at work. I am extremely self-motivated. Boredom rarely, if ever, exists in my words, attitudes, or actions.

And yet, as I look out at the landscape of today's workplaces, boredom seems to be rampant--even among Christians! I believe most of this boredom is self-inflicted. To a large degree your job is what you make it, whether you're the janitor or the CEO.

In the big picture, Christians should be the least-bored, most-enthused workers in the world! You are a child of the Creator, and His Spirit dwells within you. Do you think God gets "bored?" If you are bored, ask God for the creativity to make your job more interesting! You'd be amazed at how fresh, exciting and creative the most mundane of jobs can be, when you allow the Holy Spirit to guide you.

If you're bored at work today, before you expend all that time and energy to go job-hunting and job-hopping, why not deal with the core issue first? Once you're happy, content, satisfied, and enthusiastic about your present position, God may then open a door of opportunity for greater challenge, growth, responsibility, and rewards. But if you can't be trusted with little, how can He trust you with more?"He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much." (Luke 16:10) 
Lord Jesus, help me according to Your example to be faithful in the work I currently do.   Amen.
1. Could your work be described as boring or routine? Why or why not?
2. Are you at peace with your work? Why or why not? How do you respond to your work circumstances?
3. If you were less than enthusiastic with your answers to the previous questions, how can you seek the Lord's help to battle boredom and seek His peace for your workdays?

This WorkLife SwitchTOOL was written by Drew Crandall, founder of Northeast Christians At Work. Drew is a modern-day "tentmaker," making a living through his marketing and media business. © KEEP IN TOUCH     Used by permission. All rights reserved. Content edited and distributed by for non-profit educational purposes.
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