Real Customer Service

The example of Jesus washing the disciples feet is one of the most frequently quoted examples of servant leadership in the Bible, and it is a great one. Unfortunately, we don't get a chance to wash feet in that way these days. How can we really serve our friends and customers best today? Os Hillman gives us some ideas...
Tags:  Workplace, serving where you are

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I share my friend Randy Kilgore's vision of thousands of missionaries going out from our churches on Sunday, out to the mission fields near their home, where they work and live - to the marketplaces of New England. They are Christ's ambassadors to the places where they work. Unfortunately many do not recognize their calling and commission. It is a Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20). Read on... Ernie P.S. - There is still room at this Tuesday's Marketplace Ambassador Network breakfast. Make your reservation now at
Tags:  Salt, Skills, Mission Field, Workplace