Working for God
CBMC's Marketplace Ambassador Advancement System is grounded in 2 Corinthians 5:20 where the Apostle Paul states
"So we are Christ's ambassadors..." This system is designed to equip and empower individuals to become effective ambassadors for Christ in the marketplace (a.k.a. Marketplace Ambassadors).
Learn more about being a Marketplace Ambassador
2 Corinthians 5:20
Working for God
by Andrew Murray
We are vessels for our Lord to use. In every work we do, it is to be Christ using us and working through us. The sense of being a servant, dependent on the Master's guidance, working under the Master's eye - instruments used by Him and His mighty power lies at the root of effectual service. It maintains that unbroken dependence, that quiet faith, through which the Lord can do His work. It keeps up that blessed consciousness of the work being all His, which leads the worker to become the humbler the more he is used. His one desire is to be meet for the Master's use.
It is not enough that we desire or attempt to do good works. We need training and care to be prepared. The word prepared means not only equipment, fitness, but also the disposition, the alacrity which keeps a man on the outlook and makes him earnestly desire and joyfully avail himself of every opportunity of doing his Master's work. As he lives in touch with his
Lord Jesus, and holds himself as a cleansed and sanctified vessel, ready for Him to use, and he sees how good works are what he was redeemed for, and what his fellowship with his Lord is to be proved in, they become the one thing he is to live for. He is prepared unto every good work. (2 Timothy 2:21)
Andrew Murray, in Working for God
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