Missing the Most Important Thing
We sometimes speak about Christianity as being a relationship rather than a religion. The sad thing is that for some of us it may have become little more than a religion. The relationship part has become lost in a do-it-yourself project. In this week's devotional, John Eldredge speaks about the key to changing that.
P.S. - There's still room for you, so register now to learn more about great growth opportunities available from CBMC at the next CBMC Marketplace Ambassador breakfast at the Grill on the Hill in Worcester on Tuesday, March 7, 7:00 to 8:15 am.
Marketplace Ambassador Network
Breakfast at the Grill on the Hill
Tuesday, March 7, 7:00 to 8:15 am
You're invited to breakfast! Connect with other men in our area for an interactive discussion of Attribute 3 of an effective Marketplace Ambassador: Sharing your faith in Christ in your sphere of influence. Breakfast is served at 7:00 am at the Grill on the Hill at the Green Hills Golf course in Worcester. Full breakfast cost is only $10.00, and you'll meet key men who are committed to being effective ambassadors for Christ where they work and live. Register here now.
Missing the Most Important Thing
By John Eldredge

We take folks through a discipleship program whereby they master any number of Christian precepts and miss the most important thing of all, the very thing for which we were created: intimacy with God.
There are, after all, those troubling words Jesus spoke to those who were doing all the "right" things: "Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you'" (Matt. 7:23). Knowing God. That's the point.
You might recall the old proverb: "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." The same holds true here. Teach a man a rule and you help him solve a problem; teach a man to walk with God and you help him solve the rest of his life. Truth be told, you couldn't master enough principles to see yourself safely through this Story. There are too many surprises, ambiguities, exceptions to the rule. Things are hard at work-is it time to make a move? What has God called you to do with your life? Things are hard at home-is this just a phase your son is going through, or should you be more concerned? You can't seem to shake this depression-is it medical or something darker? What does the future hold for you-and how should you respond?
Only by walking with God can we hope to find the path that leads to life. That is what it means to be a disciple. After all-aren't we "followers of Christ"? Then by all means, let's actually follow him. Not ideas about him. Not just his principles. Him.
John Eldredge, ransomedheart.com,
EDITOR'S NOTE: Walking in daily intimacy with Christ is the foundational attribute of an effective Marketplace Ambassador for Christ. For additional studies on that topic go to advance.cbmc.com

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